My Roles


In pre-production, we worked as a team effort in the discussion of ideas for the film which we all contributed to and eventually decided upon the final idea of “PAPERCLIP” an Indie film based on the typical genres of romance, drama and the coming of age. We all discussed about possible locations which we wanted to film in such as the beach, a pier, a woodland and parts of a city which Keziah then scouted for and “booked” for us to use on specific days. I used most the information collected by the group to then create a detailed Production Schedule so that we could keep filming organised and filming to be completed as concise as possible, for example specifically placing Brighton and London scenes to be filmed on the morning and afternoon of Wednesday, 27th November. I also provided some technical equipment to use such as camera tripods and was in charge of keeping and maintaining the technical equipment for use, for example organising tapes after filming and charging the cameras for next use, as well as bringing and handling them during  and throughout filming.

I did the entire storyboard with the information from the group about what shots to use specifically and the intended script to create a detailed shot by shot visual aid which helped us during filming in production and also in post-production when we began to edit the footage.


We worked altogether on set to film and handle the camera by operating it and balancing between directing jobs and choreographing the actors which we were using. I worked with our female actress Christina a lot in choreographing her actions and what she had to do precisely for some shots so that it would be captured precisely on film, for example how long she had to walk for or where exactly to sit and so on.

We conducted a few experiments using Keziah’s SLR Camera Lens to gain a close up, fisheye effect on some shorts such as Christina playing with pebbles on the beach or paperclips in the office.


Likewise, the work we do in all parts of production are unanimous and we do as a group particularly in editing. We aim to edit pieces with the agreement of the others and often experiment to film new ways of making the trailer look the way we wanted originally as well as finding more exciting or effective techniques than before, for example our intended music did not fit as well so we experimented with our other line up of music tracks. We created artificial production titles such as “The Reel Company” and the “Little Film Festival” to achieve a typical set of titles used in Indie film trailers to promote the success of the film.

~ by valerieemae on November 15, 2010.

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