Evaluation: What have you learned on your audience feedback?

The audience feedback that we gathered throughout the production of our trailer managed to play a large role in the construction of our media product. In some ways the positive reception of our product amongst our audience allowed our group to know what techniques we were using well and to develop or explore this further in our trailer, for example the positive reaction we received across all our audiences both throughout the making of our film trailer and after the editing process was completed on the multiple uses of soundtrack and choice of music allowed our group to stick to the songs we had initially planned to use, as well as maintaining the same tone of music to fit the trailer such as being “young and upbeat music” from typical ‘Indie’ style bands such as Passion Pit.

Another way audience feedback helped in the construction of our film was through the constructive criticism which we received throughout the production of our trailer such as that on the narrative of our trailer and the way the story was structured. Audience feedback which we received after the first draft of our trailer indicating that the story line was unclear to the viewers as the trailer was too enigmatic and vague to allow the audience understand the relationship between the two protagonists for example, meant that our initial idea of constructing a trailer with minimal information to create intrigue for the audience to watch our film and become curious about the story developed insofar that the basis of the story was lost in the editing of the film. Therefore due to this constructive feedback our group was able to better our products to fit in the desires of our target audience and to overall appear to be a more professional and stylistic piece of work such as by altering the trailer from having no dialogue or non-diegetic sound to create ambiguity to having a trailer with much more integrated dialogue from other scenes in the movie to ensure that the viewers get a gist of what the story is about.

Audience feedback also helped to shape the smaller details of the film such as the font of the title in which we showed a list of possible title typography for the word Paperclip and the most popular and received as the most fitting with our media product was used in our film due to the influence of our audience criticism.

~ by valerieemae on April 3, 2011.

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