Paperclip: Photographs

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Above are the photographs which I took and edited the colouring of on Adobe Photoshop as potential images to use for the Paperclip poster and magazine. We decided to take photos which were medium close-ups or closer to give the appearance of a portrait and to show a personal side of the characters – this also allows minimal space for background (or if any it is plain) to place further emphasis on the focus of the actors. The images which show a playful side are intended to use for the magazine as it is a behind the scenes interview between the actors rather than between protagonists.

I also edited the photographs using Photoshop by changing the variations of colour so that they appear more like the red of Beatriz’ jumper, as well as the contrast so that the image appears more vivid. By doing so this relates back to the idea of creating a ‘hyper-real’ colour hue to appear fictional or dream-like, and creating the idea that this scene where the characters are together may not actually be real, but a figment of their imagination.

The distance between the characters in other images, where they do not touch are intended for the poster as it highlights the idea that each character does not actually know or encounter the other, and so questioning what is fiction or not in the story.

~ by valerieemae on February 24, 2011.

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