Paperclip Influence: Images

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These images which I thought may have an influence on our ideas for the magazine and poster can be divided into two catergories of :

Potential Title Backgrounds
For our magazine cover we wanted to use the technique of placing an image within a block text such as the font of Arial Black, to provide a vivid image for our title ‘State of Flux’ and a contrast against the blank, white background of the cover. These images related to the idea of flux and so we found images that were of colourful, vivid landscapes, such as of aurora borealis, nebulas or bright city lights.

Character Poses
These are potential ideas for the posing that our characters could take for the magazine photograph shoot, which is far more fun and intimate than the poster as the magazine focuses on their relationship rather than their lack of it (in the film). This targets our audience still as teenagers take an interest in fun, light-hearted scenarios as much they with the recurring themes of self-discovery and freedom.

~ by valerieemae on February 24, 2011.

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